April's Moments involves Chocolate, Prize winner announcement, the potential of a new house and studio,
England is opening up and I am empowering myself to open up with it. (If interested in the rest remember to sign up for the whole newsletter which will find your way into your e-mail box once a month.) GOOD FEELINGS In December I committed to writing 12 newsletters, one a month. The newsletters are written and designed by me with information about the art/creative world that I inhabit. As feedback/responses to these newsletters, I began to receive messages from you, I really like these interactions, they remind me that there are other people getting my vibe. As a thank you, I set up a small competition to give away an original painting to one of my newsletter subscribers. I send these newsletters out via a service called MailChimp, and now have 424 readers. On Saturday 10th April the competition ended and I asked Tony Roberts to pick a number between 1 and 424, the choose number would be the winner. Tony choose number 64. drum roll please.......................... Number 64 is Zamshat Zhoraeva Congratulations Kamshat, this painting will be wrapped well and sent to you. PORTRAITS Taking Advantage of an in-house model during lockdown A friend of mine asked me if I had ever thought of using my artists skills to paint portraits. I nearly died, didn't she know that portraiture work is a tricky tricky subject. One that could leave me having sleepless nights worrying about how the painting would turn out, and compared to the Old Masters, it seemed like an overwhelming challenge. But as my artist skills improve with the hours at the easel, I find myself coming back to portrait work time and time again. I am currently painting my daughter, a willing model, stuck at home during lockdown. I started by sketching using pencil for an hour once a week and after a month of sketches, I felt comfortable to explore painting her. I felt I knew her face inside out. I knew where the skin changed colour and the shadows fell across her neck, I thought I knew where the light reflected light back off her skin but nothing prepared me for actually painting this portrait. When painting there is always a stage in the process when the painting looks ugly, and this is where I am currently in my portrait of my daughter, I keep reminding myself this is the journey of the painting and not what my daughter looks like. In the age of over-documentation, when every wedding features a full film crew and couples give screenings of their honeymoon pictures; when no mantelpiece is safe from the triptych photo card, be it for Christmas, birth or engagement; when instant self-reflective gratification is all that we know, why are we not indulging ourselves in portraiture? Here are things that make me smile related to portraiture. Portrait Firenze Royal Society of Portrait Painters How much does it costs to commission a portrait? Prices are based on size and complexity, but as a rough guide, a 40x50cm portrait painting is between between £1,500 - 3,500. It take time to paint a really good process and really should not be rushed. A head portrait take around 4 weeks and a full figure portrait up to 6 weeks. |
AuthorI am a professional painting artist, with a passion for space, shadow, colour and balance - constantly pushing forward to express more of what I see and feel visually. Archives
September 2024